If you have already
registered using this Username... you need to go to the member login page - even if you
have not fully completed your profile yet.
Your Username is your unique public alias on our site and is how other members will know you. It protects your confidentiality and you use
it with your password to log in to our site. So choose
a good one and make sure you remember it! For confidentiality,
it's not a good idea to use your full name e.g. MaryBloggins
Numbers (0-9),
lowercase characters (a-z), uppercase characters (A-Z), as well as
underscore ( _ ) and hyphen ( - ) are all OK to use. All other
characters can't be used. Unfortunately you can't use the ordinary
space character - so you cannot be "il postino" but you can be
"il_postino" or "il-postino".
It can between 3 and 16 characters long and
should be easy to remember. For example members can be known as
'alice', 'highlander' or even 'bignose' if you wish. If your desired
username is taken you can always try a variant - e.g. 'alice17'